Welcome to Your Soul Path, the website of
Somewhere around a quarter century ago, I was introduced to the value of identifying a personal mission statement.
The one I developed at that time still stands today:
“To offer healing and inspiration to individuals so they may step into lives of consciousness, joy, and meaning.”
While the mission has stayed the same, today my primary work is that of a therapist, grief counselor, and spiritual counselor. I am also venturing into group work with a new program entitled Women who Age with Soul.
Your Soul Path, PLLC
People come into therapy for a variety of different stated reasons. Yet the core of it is that healing needs to happen, healing of one’s heart and soul. This brings me to my favorite definition of healing from Rachel Naomi Remen. “Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are.”
There is probably no time in our lives when it is more important to be supported by an understanding person than when we are in the throes of grief. Unfortunately it's also hard to reach out when we are feeling so raw and vulnerable. Even when we do reach out, others can be awkward and insensitive. As a helping professional that has experienced my own losses, I offer the perfect balance of deep listening, hope, and assurance.
In our world today, it takes support to listen to our hearts and follow the guidance of our soul. Spiritual counseling can offer that support. Less directive than coaching and more heart-centered than therapy, spiritual counseling is an invitation to exploration, authenticity, and a whole-hearted life. Although helpful at any time, people often find spiritual counseling to be a lifeline in times of transition and during dark nights of the soul.